In occasione della Giornata Mondiale della Consapevolezza sull’Autismo, il Kiwanis International condivide l’esempio di “Martino Piccolo Lupo”, un libro pensato per parlare di autismo ai bambini. Istituito dal Kiwanis Varese, il progetto ha vinto il KI Signature Project Bronze Award nel 2018.
Today, on the occasion of World Autism Awareness Day, we would like to thank “Martino the Little Wolf” that in these years achieved 130,000 families and children.
A special thanks to our chair Giuseppe Bertini that support with Kiwanis club Varese this project that in 2018 win the Bronze signature project content .
Thanks to @Carthusia Edizioni and @Fondazione ARES to share this story that tells how including diversity can be a value for the whole community.
Martin the Little Wolf
Text by Gionata Bernasconi – Illustrations by Simona Mulazzani
Translation of the narrative text from the volume “Martino Piccolo Lupo” realized and published by Carthusia Edizioni
Volume realized in cooperation with Fondazione Ares and Kiwanis
© 2015 Carthusia Edizioni

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a complex developmental condition that involves persistent challenges in social interaction, speech and nonverbal communication, and restricted/repetitive behaviors. The effects of ASD and the severity of symptoms are different in each person. The Kiwanis International is engaged from many years in this field. The Kiwanis District Italy San Marino participates and chosen with Martin the Little Wolf and The King of the market to stay close to the children and families in everyday life during this COVID-19 time. The training offer to child and to family is for support and learn new way to discover the education and how spend better the time. The main idea is to allow each parent, mom, dad, with the autistic child, to discover themselves new abilities and new way to participate at the day life at home. It is usually difficult for us to choose, for an autistic child a time of continuous growth, for the Kiwanian members an opportunity to help each one to express the best of himself by lighting up talents in the Autism world.
Giuseppe Bertini